
What is SocialFood?

SocialFood is a Corona Lockdown baby. It all started in May 2020 as a fundraising activity. We held a food delivery in Zurich and donated the entire proceeds to Buy Food with Plastic. The delivery was a success: more caterings, events and even our first product Chocolate soon followed. To this day, the charitable idea is deeply anchored in our DNA, and we keep on supporting Buy Food with Plastic.

As long as one in three persons do not have enough food to eat, 43% of deaths from non-communicable diseases are diet-related (WHO, 2020), and our current food system is a main driver of climate change, we do not want to stand idly by. We strive for a better world in which values such as social justice and an intact environment are emphasized. With a clever selection of plant-based, seasonal and regional food, more than 50% of the emissions can be saved (Tukker et al., 2006).

What is Buy Food with Plastic?

Logo Buy Food with Plastic

Buy Food with Plastic is an organization based in Zurich. It initiates events worldwide where people in Nicaragua, Ghana and India can buy food and pay with plastic waste. Local Teams upcycle the plastic and make products out of it. Buy Food with Plastic also raises awareness on how to use our resources more consciously.

What does Social stand for?

Social unites our values of coming together, enjoying, without leaving anyone behind. It stands for new ways, creating a future worth living.

Who stands behind SocialFood?

Food Designer Iria Lena Götsch is the heart and founder of SocialFood.
